My World War II interest started with admiration for military vehicles andd was only 16 years old when I had my first military motorcycle. After finishing High School I visited my family in California and stayed there for 6 months, bought a 1944 Willys Jeep in San Francisco and had it shipped to Holland where it was restored. My first trip to Normandy was for the 45th anniversary of D-Day in 1989. By then driving a Half-Track and started to become very knowledgeable about British and US WWII vehicles.
Overwhelmed by the amount of veterans present and with great interest I listened to their stories. From then on I really wanted to know what had happened on the Normandy beaches and surroundings and started to read books, watched documentaries and kept listening to the veterans stories. I had one family member who fought in Normandy, my uncle Nick from New Jersey. He would never talk to me about what he went through. Like many other veterans, he kept his story to himself.
I have always been involved in WWII events, vehicles, shows and businesses over the years and have gathered a large collection of WWII allied women uniforms. I have worked in Arizona and New York State, selling WWII vehicle parts and surplus. But the best part of my life and greatest value of all time is meeting and becoming friends with so many veterans.
In 2007 I attended and graduated jump school with Pathfinder Holland (now Parachute Group Holland). This made me able to jump from a C-47 on the original Drop Zone of Operation Market Garden at Ginkel Heath, Wolfheeze during the anniversary of Market Garden in 2007.
Before we moved to Sainte Mère Église, I have been visiting Normandy numerous times over the years to build my knowledge and to see first hand where and how the events happened here on the beaches. It was on one of these visits with my husband René that we met Ellwood Von Siebold. We were both enraptured by his approach to telling this interesting and life changing D-Day story here where it happened.
Ellwood was looking to a form of business alliance with enthusiastic and knowledgeable guides who could join him and be part of this truly remarkable event. We went on tours with Ellwood and since then I have conducted many tours of my own.
René and I are now working with Ellwood at D-Day Battle Tours and we are sharing the tours to give our clients an information and yet enjoyable experience walking the ground that those brave soldiers fought over our most precious good: Freedom!
Yours sincerely,
Monica Baan
I would like to thank all past clients who have contributed to the success of my dream and to say thank you for the many kind remarks on Trip Advisor
The objective of this tour is to provide you with a visit to the most significant area of the American military activity that took place on the 6th June These tours can be made up by single parties, individuals or groups.
The objective of this tour is to incorporate all of the most significant events of the D-Day tour into a schedule
Private tours bring a special focus to your tour with D Day Battletours and provide the ultimate in experience and satisfaction Experience has shown that the majority of clients have chosen Private Tours.
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